Being the mother of the photography department at the Art Institute of Dallas, Ms. Victoria Clary is a well respected, female role model. Her sweet and caring nature as an instructor/director has lead a bunch of us students to give her a gift that she can keep forever in her home, for she is no longer working at the Art Institute, unfortunately. This was a long and stressful process, yet it was so fun along the way! Blair (holding the L) and I (very far right wearing the H&M layered dress) wanted to make sure that each outfit was Vanity Fair worthy and I met with a few of the girls to pick out gowns.
Everyone pitched in money for the letters and frame (similar to the one in the photo) and we ALL put forth effort into the positions and poses along with props. Olivia (far left holding baby) brought her beautiful baby girl, and she was such a good baby even after her bed time (this was taken around 7pm-midnight)! Not one peep! :)
When Kymberli (holding the R bottom right) and I met with Ms. Clary and gave her the photograph with the frame, it was all smiles and happy tears, I've never felt so proud of a gift :)
Starting from left, top row: Olivia and Layla, Brianna, Amanda, Shane, Donna, Dennis.
Starting from left, bottom row: Nikki, Blair, Natalie, Kymberli, Emily, and I (Nicollette).
(Sadly not everyone got to participate in the photo due to clashing schedules and well... I live pretty far from civilization and this was taken at my house... lol)
Photo of Clary by Kymberli Duffy.
Sweet Ms. Clary loved it, everyone! :)
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Shopping with Blair for a shoot! ;) (June 8) |
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Omgg I have to get this for the Clary Project! :( $$$ (May 2) |
Haha, Blair and I getting the scene ready while Dennis helps test out the strobe light in the sunroom. Pull up yo pants, mayne!
Hah, mean double chin @bswaggernaut
Olivia brought the supermodel!!
Dennis and Shane
Mom doing a beautiful job with Brianna!
Mama doing Emily's undo
Sweet Olivia ;)
How many Ai students does it take to fix the chandelier pieces? Shane doesn't know.
We had to take the chandelier down since it was elevated in order to shoot my Titanic shot "Third Class" previously in the same room, but when the chandelier came down, a million pieces fell off! Scary! Sorry Ma and Pop!
This... now THIS is good soda.
Bravo everyone! An awesome shoot for an awesome Photo department director who developed and nurtured the amazing talent represented in this shoot. Great energy everyone! Miss y'all.